Question to LMS Specialist: Alisa Martynova


Today the Question to LMS Specialist column featured Alisa Martynova — legal counsel of LMS Group and a graduate of F.M. Dostoevsky State University in Omsk.

— What does construction legal supervision imply?

— Legal supervision of construction is the direction that connects all the processes of construction, from the conclusion of all kinds of contracts for the organization of the project to the delivery of the object to the customer, and involves the execution of all warranty obligations.

Thus, we take part in all stages of construction:

  • We solve the questions of timely performance of obligations by contractors (delivery/subcontracting and others).
  • We monitor the quality of work performance and testing.
  • Dealing with elimination of defects, including during the warranty period which may vary from 3 to 5 years depending on the agreements.

Our task is to assess in advance all the risks and prevent the occurrence of any adverse effects.

I think that an interesting and important issue is the quality control of work performed, because it is from this stage depends on the successful outcome of the project. If the material is supplied defective and/or the work is performed with defects, we should take immediate measures to replace such materials — to ensure safe construction and to avoid unforeseen costs for the company - respectively, in contracts we should provide all leverage for this.

— Tell us a case from your practice that prevented adverse effects on the project?

— We revealed the violations of KM*, KMD** and GOST documentation sections by the supplier who supplied low-quality steel structures for the construction of one of the objects. However, since these violations were detected on time and the contract provided for the possibility of their replacement on the specified ground, the supplier replaced the substandard supplied material. Accordingly, we have prevented the occurrence of adverse consequences.

The main thing in construction is quality control and compliance with deadlines.

**Project KM - metal structures, general section of design documentation.

**Section KMD - metal structures detailing.