People of LMS: Tarlan Guseynov


Today, in our traditional People of LMS section we want to share an interview with Tarlan Guseynov, our leading specialist in the procurement of engineering equipment and materials.

Tell us what you do in LMS, your area of activity, functions, position.

I am a leading specialist in the procurement of engineering equipment and construction materials. My activity includes the procurement of all electric power and low-current parts, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply and water disposal. From a chiller to a fan coil, from a transformer substation to an outlet, from servers, switches to fire detectors and video cameras. Everything that does not relate to the construction of the building and decoration, procurement is my job. I am part of a team of engineers and a project team, I participate in the completion of all our facilities under construction.

How did your career in the construction industry begin?

I started my professional career in an engineering company that was carrying out the construction in Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi. And the first facility I managed in 2006 was the Gazprom Mining and Tourism Center. It was subsequently renamed the Grand Hotel Polyana when Sochi was announced as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics in 2007.

Until 2014, I participated in almost all the construction projects of Krasnaya Polyana, which we were preparing for the Olympic Games.

When did you start working at LMS?

In 2015, I was invited to an interview in LMS for the construction of the Platov airport in Rostov-on-Don. That time in July, LMS was a new enterprise, created from two companies. And I was invited to the facility project in September. I passed the interview and started working the next day. Therefore, it turns out that my first object was the Platov airport — from the very beginning of construction to commissioning.

Tell us about your experience in previous projects.

I have participated in all LMS projects since the beginning of the company's history. Over the past six years, the company has implemented such major projects as the construction of international airports in Volgograd, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kemerovo, as well as the construction of Stolitsa shopping center in Moscow.

Why are the processes in your business unique?

Each facility is a unique and interesting engineering task. Because DD (Design Development) phase in engineering is about general technical solutions. But as the construction documentation begins to develop, and the construction works are being performed, it's like a speed scrambling Rubik's Cube.

I interact daily on work issues with engineers, project coordinators, suppliers, lawyers, financiers. Each project selects its own unique combination of equipment and solutions for the tasks and features for this facility.

Share your successful cases. Do you implement your own developments, technologies that allow you to improve the quality and efficiency of your work?

Since my work is related to the procurement of engineering equipment, the cost of which is affected by a large number of criteria, it is very important to properly systematize and archive this information for the possibility of further analysis of cost changes at newly constructed facilities. Since the first day of work, I have introduced and have been improving the system of archiving procurement information.

During the work, arrays of information on the nomenclature, characteristics of the cost of equipment with delivery to different cities of our country have been accumulated. This information currently allows us to analyze the cost of newly received offers based on the purchase history. Consequently, the level of expected discounts from manufacturers for the purchase period is calculated with an acceptable error.

What prospects does the company have, in your opinion?

Now LMS has a very talented and fairly young team of both founders and managers and engineering staff. Given a good understanding of such a team, the company has excellent prospects for growth.