World Labor Protection Day is celebrated annually on April 28


We spend many hours of our lives at work, and labor protection is an issue that concerns every employee. World Labor Protection Day is celebrated annually on April 28.

Labor protection is a system of preserving the life, health and efficiency of employees in the course of their work. It includes legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

The personnel of the LMS Group of Companies always strictly follows the rules and regulations of the quality of construction work, technical standards and labor protection standards. Monitoring compliance with rules and regulations, ensuring safe working conditions, preventing accidents at work is the most important work that allows you to save lives on the site every day. By preventive measures, the LMS employees responsible for labor protection are trying to prevent accidents at construction sites, paying special attention to people's health.

In 2003, the International Labour Organization (ILO) proposed to celebrate this day officially. Today it is celebrated by 175 countries, including Russia. In our country, all events are held within the framework of the annual All-Russian Labor Protection Week.

Today we thank the employees of the labor protection departments for the fact that they invisibly and constantly protect colleagues!

In the photo, Ekaterina Donskikh, a leading occupational safety specialist of the Symbol Residential complex project in Moscow.

World Labor Protection Day is celebrated annually on April 28-photo-1 World Labor Protection Day is celebrated annually on April 28-photo-2